New jersey solar funding


Qualified NJ residents can have a Solar System put on their home which can reduce or completely eliminate their electric bill.

Attend our 45 minute seminar at The Home Depot

where you can learn how to have a solar system for as little as


The best solar opportunity in the U.S....right here in NJ


To bring to NJ what we believe is the BEST solar financing opportunity available today in the electricity in your home for absolutely no cost for the qualifying homes.

For more information, click Seminar above, or contact NJ Solar Reps:
 Kevin Kraft 917-312-7594

For more information, click Seminar above, or contact NJ Solar Reps:

Kevin Kraft 917-312-7594

‘Nancy Dougherty, a Maplewood resident with an architecture practice in Short Hills, Studio 1200 (, is about to convert her home using a $41,000 solar system that will only cost her $2,340 in personal outlay due to the incentives.  "It's the Federal tax credits, the state tax credit, Home Depot and PSE&G basically underwriting the program," said Dougherty.‘                                             - Maplewood Patch, May 5 2010