Maplewood Patch
Maplewood Patch
May 5 - System Turn on Event Article
At the switch, turning on the solar system, is (left to right) Larry Barth, New Jersey Clean Energy Program Renewable Energy Program Manager; Emilio Scarcini, The Home Depot Superstore Specialty Store Manager; Jeanne Fox, NJ Board of Public Utilities Commissioner; Kerry Tilden, Homeowner and Maplewood Green Team member.
Fred Profeta - Maplewood's Deputy Mayor for the Environment & Chair of the Mayors Committee for a Green Future speaks on the importance of renewable energy for our communities.
Left (above and below)
Kerry Tilden and other Maplewood Green Team members were on hand to distribute info on Green Team activities.
Kerry speaks about her passion for going green.
‘Nancy Dougherty, a Maplewood resident with an architecture practice in Short Hills, Studio 1200 (, is about to convert her home using a $41,000 solar system that will only cost her $2,340 in personal outlay due to the incentives. "It's the Federal tax credits, the state tax credit, Home Depot and PSE&G basically underwriting the program," said Dougherty.’
For more information,
NJ Solar Representative
Kevin Kraft 917-312-7594